ClimaTea Talk


Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 12:00pm to 1:00pm


MCZ 429

Speaker: Dr. Eloise Marais from University College London

Title: Bridging knowledge gaps in atmospheric science: Investigation of reactive nitrogen in remote regions and climate impacts of the space industry.

Abstract: Shifting and burgeoning pollution sources continue to pose challenges in determining the evolving influence of humans on climate and air quality. In this talk, I will present results from three distinct projects aimed at addressing uncertainties in sources that extend from the surface of the Earth to the mesosphere 50-80 km aloft. To do so, my group makes innovative use of ground- and space-based observations, complex models, and data analysis techniques. We have identified that anthropogenic activity rather than traditional open burning of biomass is the underlying cause for rapid air quality degradation in the fastest growing cities in the world located in the tropics. Our newly derived datasets of vertical profiles of tropospheric reactive nitrogen support a global underestimate in natural precursor emissions from maritime lightning. We find also that the burgeoning space industry could have a potentially large influence on Earth’s climate and undermine progress achieved with the Montreal Protocol ban on ozone depleting substances.

See also: ClimaTea