

The Geology program at Harvard encompasses field, laboratory, and computational studies aimed at better understanding both geological processes and the rock record. This breadth of strengths spans sub-disciplines from sedimentary basin analysis and paleontology to large scale tectonics and crustal formation. The suggested curriculum below is for guidelines only; current or prospective students are invited to consult with any faculty members for further advice. See my.harvard for course descriptions.

Proposed Curriculum

  • EPS 203 Earthquakes and Faulting
  • EPS 204 Earthquake Sources
  • EPS 206 Solid Earth Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry: A Primer
  • EPS 241 Isotope Geochemistry and Processes of Planetary Evolution
  • EPS 274 Harvard or MIT Field Camp (January term)


Typical undergraduate backgrounds for students are listed in parenthesis.

  • David Johnston: Isotope geochemistry and historical geobiology, re-animating ancient ecosystems and ocean chemistry using stable isotope systems, chemical speciation techniques, modern microbial experiments (for calibration) and theoretical considerations (biology, chemistry, geology/Earth sciences)
  • Andrew H. Knoll: Paleontology and sedimentary geology, astrobiology, Mars Exploration Rovers (biology, geology/Earth sciences)
  • Daniel Schrag: Climate and climate change, paleo climate, geochemical oceanography, mitigating future climate change (chemistry, geology/Earth sciences, physics)
  • John Shaw: Structure of Earth's crust, active faulting and folding, earthquake hazards assessment, petroleum exploration methods, remote sensing (computer science, geology/Earth sciences)