Class of 2022

2022 thesis class

2022 Senior Thesis Final Presentations

At the end of each academic year seniors in the EPS department  present the work they completed for their senior thesis projects. Below are titles and recordings of the presentations from the last academic year. The full abstracts can be seen on the Final Presentations program and you may click on the images below to view the recordings of the thesis talks. 

1. Kemi Ashing-Giwa - An Analysis of Sedimentary Archaea to Characterize Chemoorganoautotrophic Metabolism at Cold Methane Seeps  

(link to full thesis)

Advisor:  Ann Pearson, Murray and Martha Ross Professor of Environmental Sciences, Harvard College Professor, and Department Chair, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University

Kemi pic


2. Candice Chen - Examining Paleoclimate Interpretations of Saharan Aeolian Dust Fluxes Using Modern Observations

(link to full thesis)

Advisor:  Peter Huybers, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Environmental Science and Engineering, Harvard University


candice picture

3. Henry Dowling - Optimal Fingerprinting of the Upper 2000m of the Ocean for Forecasting Heat Content Trends  

(link to full thesis)

Advisor:  Peter Huybers, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Environmental Science and Engineering, Harvard University

henry picture